Anthony Enwezor

Personal Trainer

Unlike most personal trainers, I don't come from a background of sports, the military or anything fancy. I'm a normal person just like you. This is one of the reason why most of my existing clients work with me; because I was once like most of my clients. Fast-forward a few years later, I am now coaching and training 100's of people I was once like efficiently as I can always see things from their point of view. When I first started personal training I realised it wasn’t the single hour in the gym but the other 23 hours that dictate your success when it comes to building muscle, losing weight, or getting fit. From the very start of my career, I made it my mission to help clients conquer the other 23 hours and the solution I produced was online coaching. 100+ satisfied clients, 4+ years later, I’m here to deliver to you world-class online fitness coaching.

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Anthony Enwezor